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Golecha House_Render 2
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The House of Voids is a 8000 sq.ft. home planned for a family of 7 across 3 generations in the old town of Vijaywada, Andhra Pradesh. The site of the house is landlocked by buildings on 3 sides with no setbacks. This crowded urban context coupled with stringent Vaastu regulations, created a challenge in bringing natural light within the deep plan of the house. 

In order to respond to this planning challenge, The House of Voids is designed as a series of private spaces juxtaposed with centrally inserted 'voids' that would serve as shaded, shared spaces between these solids both horizontally and vertically.

The voids look upon each other and look into each other while constantly being in the shade of the structure itself due to their specific location within the volume. The granite facade and its further articulation was intended to emphasize this interplay of solid and void.  

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